
Igniting hearts for Christ by selflessly giving the world what God has given us.
Come see what we're all about!
Come see
what we're all about!

Whether you are a new Christian, a long-time believer, or someone who has never heard about Jesus, we welcome you to join us and come see what we’re all about. You will find a welcoming family of believers where God’s love becomes very real as we connect, grow and serve together.

What to expect at Riverside United Methodist Church

*A professionally staffed Nursery is provided at our 10.00 a.m. service.
Children's church is held during our Contemporary service on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

Traditional Worship
Traditional Worship
Sunday at 8:30AM

Designed with early-risers in mind, our 8:30 service allows you to begin your day with timeless hymns, pipe organ and an intimate time with the Lord. On occasion, we have our choir perform and guest speakers join us for this service. The full Communion liturgy is shared on the first Sunday of every month.

Contemporary Worship
Contemporary Worship
Sunday at 10:00AM

This worship service is led by our Contemporary Praise Band, which features musicians of all ages. Join us for an energetic and inspiring time of worship with a biblical-based sermon and prayer. Children and youth are a big part of the service, by volunteering in the service and worshiping through Dramatic Worship.

What's Coming Up

Come back soon
Get Involved

Our Ministries are the life-blood of our church. Find life-giving community and get involved.

What is life like at RUMC?

God saw everything that He made,
and indeed it was very good.
Genesis 1:31 (NKJV)

What Our Church Goers Say About RUMC?

Testimonial Video #1

Testimonial Video #2

Testimonial Video #3

Church hours



8:30 & 10:00

Office hours


10:00 - 4:00

Office hours


10:00 - 4:00

Office hours


10:00 - 4:00

Office hours


10:00 - 4:00

Office closed


Office closed
