We connect to God through worship.
We connect to each other through authentic relationship.
We connect to our neighbors through loving invitation and radical hospitality.
Upcoming Events
Transportation Need
By the way, if you need transportation to and/or from the Second Tuesday luncheon, please contact Sheree Rogers. She provides “taxi” service to anybody who may need a lift to this event.
We sure hope that you will give us a try!! Come and see what we’re all about!
Sherrie Blott, Barb Cray, Krisanne Meehan, Renee Poust, Sheree Rogers, and Laurie Spriet—This group is known as… THE PACK!
If you are interested in becoming a part of our church family and want to know where to start, here are some of the first steps you can take!
You may join Riverside by taking vows of membership as a part of worship. There is a class that new members must take. If you are interested in becoming a member, please notify the church office by using the contact form below or calling (309) 764-6721.
Riverside UMC sends out a Prayer Request email on Wednesdays. The email includes a list of those in need of prayer and a message from our Senior Pastor. Please fill out the form below to sign up and receive these emails. You may unsubscribe at anytime.
Riverside UMC sends out a weekly email on Fridays. The email includes announcements about upcoming events, a calendar of the upcoming week, and a message from our Senior Pastor. Please fill out the form below below to sign up and receive these emails. You may unsubscribe at anytime.
Here at Riverside, we believe that getting plugged in with the body of Christ and engaging in regular fellowship is vital to our growth as Christians. One of the best ways to do this is to get connected with a Small Group. Small Groups are designed to connect you with fellow church members so that you can grow in your walk with Christ through fellowship, prayer, and studying God’s Word together. Take a look at our Small Groups page to learn more about how to get connected.
This group is open to ANYONE who is available to attend our monthly gathering which is held every second Tuesday from September through May. It begins at NOON with a potluck luncheon. You can bring whatever dish you want (an entrée from Hy-vee or Jewel is absolutely fine). Tableware is provided as is coffee/water. After lunch is over, we are always treated to a variety of programs.